Email IP leak test

My IP: start test
The Email IP leak test asks to send an email to SMTP server.
Your calculated anonymity rating is about 16% (visit details page for exact value)

What is an Email IP leak?

Let's suppose you have to send an email and you don't want to show your real IP address to the receiver. In the modern world this security requirement is a must. If you use some reliable VPN and SMTP then you have no issues. But some VPNs can send emails beside the VPN tunnel. Some SMTPs add your IP to the email header because of the terms of the service or because of privacy policy or whatever. This email leak test can help you to be sure you are secured and your IP is not leaking outside.

How does Email leak test work?

When you click on start test button then the site generates an unique email address for you and waits for an email to this email address. You should send an email to this address (the subject and body are not important and are ignored). The test shows the IP addresses attached to your email during delivering and warns if your current IP is leaking.

What kind of VPN connection can I check?

Any kind of VPN connection is acceptable (IKEv2, IPsec, PPTP, OpenVPN etc).

May I use Outlook (or another email client)?

Yes. This test doesn't depend on mail client. You can send the email any way you want. It is up to you. But! One email application shares your IP and the other one - do not. So, you should test your everyday email client.

Does Email leak test support Windows?

Yes. You can use any operating system you want. You should send an email to smtp server. All the other stuff aren't important.

How can I check IP leak in terminal (Linux)?

You should use the script available here

How to integrate the Email leak test into WordPress site?

Please use the plugin available here

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